Getting back to work

It's been a long time. I haven't posted anything lately. Whatever creative stints I did remained confined within drafts that never found their way to the eyes of any viewer. Trust me, college life can be a lot tiring. 

Well my exams are in the corner so I won't be doing much right now. But I have set forth some priorities that I would like to accomplish for this blog. 

  1. Writing regularly: Increasing my content is first in the list. Be it random rabbles or good stories, I will write regularly. I will try to put some variety with my posts. Hope the audience will accept it well.
  2. Inviting atleast one guest writer to my blog: Popular or not, I will invite one writer to write a post in my blog.
  3. Organise my content for better navigation
  4. Completing the endless drafts in my dashboard and finally
  5. Increase my audience: I haven't figured out how I will do it yet but I will come around something.
Too bad, Google+ is going away. All the beautiful comments on my posts made via G+ will go away. Have to make a blogger profile now to start afresh.


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